Mapping Oceans, Lakes, and Rivers : The EU's Commitment to Our Planet

It is impracticable to envisage a being who fails to appreciate the beauty and significance of the ocean. Almost every person living on this planet is affected by the association between oceans, seas, lakes and other bodies of water whether directly or indirectly. These bodies are associated with holiday experiences for many people. For others, they represent livelihoods—fishermen, freight carriers, sailors, navy personnel, cooks, and numerous other professionals depend on the seas.

The health, accessibility, knowledge, and resources of these bodies of water are crucial for human prosperity. The European Union (EU) maintains that water bodies such as oceans, seas, coastlines, and freshwater sources are the earth’s respiratory system, which in turn generates approximately 50 percent of human respiration through oxygen production. They also offer us fresh edible commodities that make up about 16% of our total animal protein requirement. Additionally, they serve as the planet’s largest carbon sink, having absorbed 26% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions since the Industrial Revolution. These waters house the richest biodiversity on Earth and are fundamental to our planet’s life-support system. They supply fresh water, renewable energy, and benefits linked to well-being, cultural values, tourism, trade, and transport.

Recognizing their importance, the European Union has prioritized investment in these areas through Horizon Europe, the EU’s next framework programme for research and innovation. This investment includes grant opportunities in several key areas :

  • Prevention, reduction, mitigation, and removal of marine pollution, including plastics
  • Transition to a circular and blue economy
  • Mitigation of pollution and climate change impacts on the ocean
  • Sustainable use and management of ocean resources
  • Development of new materials, including biodegradable plastic substitutes, new feed, and food
  • Urban, coastal, and maritime spatial planning
  • Ocean governance
  • Ocean economics applied to maritime activities

A significant initiative under the European Green Deal is the creation of a digital twin for the ocean—a live map and knowledge base of the ocean. This tool will be used in green ocean initiatives, education, and pollutant screening.

The European Commission is focusing on crucial environmental issues concerning water bodies. Due to the same reason, the EU funding directions are at one of the most exciting stages now.

EU funding schemes and opportunities

The European Union has numerous European funding schemes aimed at meeting these pressing environmental concerns, which are components of bigger EU funding programmes in the Horizon Europe horizon for research and innovation to attain sustainable development goals.

Terrible peril for the oceans is posed by marine pollution, specifically plastics, and therefore marine life and ecosystems need to be protected. The goals of European funding programmes are directed towards the promotion of projects that will let human beings restrain marine pollution by means of prevention, reduction, and mitigation. Prevention of new pollutants as well as cleanup methods for the polluted parts are some of the measures involved in marine litter control within Europe.

Transition to a Circular and Blue Economy : The idea of a circular economy is becoming more popular, with a focus on sustainability and resource reuse. The European Innovation Fund sponsors ventures that enhance the blue economy, a development pattern based on the ocean that leads to higher living standards by seeking to keep the seas healthy.

Mitigation of Climate Change Impacts : Rising temperatures, sea-level rise, and acidification are some of the effects of climate change on oceans that are very serious. These impacts will be reduced, and at the same time, improved scientific knowledge will be boosted through taking advantage of EU funding programmes to support these programmes.

We need to ensure that the marine ecosystem is healthy in the long term by managing oceanic resources sustainably. Which includes responsible fishing methods, conservation practices, and new materials created with less reliance on non-renewable resources in order to not become exhausted.

In the European Innovation Fund's development of biodegradable plastics and new materials, a big challenge has been the wide use of non-biodegradable plastics. Consequently, the European Innovation Fund is encouraging innovation in biodegradable plastic substitutions and new materials that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Balancing development and conservation demands effective planning and management in urban, coastal, and maritime regions. EU funding directions are directed towards projects that improve spatial planning in a bid to guarantee durable utilization and guarding of these critical zones.

Ocean Governance If you need to handle ocean resources sustainably, it is important that there are effective frameworks for governance. The European Union funds programmes that will help the governance of these waters, thereby enabling their natural reserves as well as the human consumption rate to thrive on sound legislation.

It is essential for sustainability to learn the financial side of sea activities. This is currently backed by the European Innovation Fund in ocean economics research aimed at showing the economic value of good maritime practices.

The Role of EU Funding in Advancing Ocean Health

The EU invests a lot of funds in different funding schemes to show how committed it is to the health of our oceans and other water bodies. Their intention is to facilitate the resolution of major problems facing our water bodies by enabling them through innovation, research, and practical solutions.

This pioneering initiative to create a digital twin of the ocean will transform our comprehension of and approach to ocean resources. Through a dynamic map and knowledge center, information will be presented that contributes towards environmental conservation for oceans, teaching purposes, and the detection of pollutants.

Besides, by stressing a circular and blue economy transition, the EU sets sustainability as a priority. The European Union is devoted to ensuring that the growth of its economy is conditional on a responsible exploitation of the seas, which would enable the preservation of the health of marine ecosystems.

The European Union shows its commitment to safeguarding future oceans by addressing marine pollution, climate change impacts and sustainable resource management, all at the same time. This article discusses how EU funding programmes as well as targeted European financing mechanisms have enabled it progress towards a more stable and flourishing tomorrow.


The health and sustainability of our planet and people are so important that we need to think about the survival of the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. These critical water bodies are being given priority by the European Union through specific programmes under a wide range of funding mechanisms.

By exploring and implementing EU funding directions, individuals and organizations can help continue efforts to protect and conserve our oceans. The European Innovation Fund provides a number of opportunities for innovative projects that solve the toughest environmental challenges.

While keeping our oceans and other waters clean and healthy at all times, the EU is leading the way in innovation and progress. EU Its leadership in promoting responsible practices and using new technologies for humankind’s sake shall lay a firm foundation toward a greener world.


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