Argentum's EU Green Deal Strategy : Advancing Innovation in Four Key Projects

Our true, long-held belief in visionary solutions for a sustainable future made us incredibly excited when we heard about the submission of essential consortia grant offers as part of the European Union Green Deal endeavor from the team at Argentum. To this end, we submitted four significant proposals on January 26th, 2021, just before the conclusion of the last major call of Horizon 2020, which touched on several topics involving more than 100 participants from 27 countries across two continents. Our consortium includes various partners ranging from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to research institutes, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and private companies, all driven by a common goal: making the world greener and more sustainable.

Transparent & Accessible Seas: Towards a Digital Twin of the Ocean

The seas are transparent and accessible, with a vision of creating a digital twin of these environments,” is one of our flagship proposals. This project looks into areas that have not been explored before in oceanography, marine engineering, blue economy, robotics, and machine intelligence. One of the main objectives is to bridge the information gap concerning oceans, seas, and coastlines, as well as estuaries, with Argentum at the forefront. Through this research, we seek to provide holistic ocean observations by empowering ordinary individuals to gather data, which will boost our understanding and conservation strategies for marine environments.

This proposal comes at a timely moment because it follows Israel’s coastlines, where an oil spill has taken place, leaving behind negative effects on wildlife while also hindering Israeli efforts aimed at promoting marine biodiversity for decades. Hence, there is a need for enhanced maritime security measures and water monitoring systems that are meant to be addressed in DC’s proposal. There is confidence that the innovative solutions developed by Argentum and its partners are likely to play an important role in preventing future catastrophic ecological events, therefore advancing the EU's mission for Horizon Europe innovation.

Accelerating the Green Transition and Energy Access Partnership with Africa

The second proposal revolves around the theme of ‘Accelerating Green Transition and Energy Access Partnership with Africa’, which is consistent with the EU's mission of facilitating Africa’s transition to renewable energy sources. This project is led by an innovative Israeli small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) that brings together a vibrant collaboration among European and African partners. Its main focus is providing sustainable energy solutions based on the varying socio-economic as well as environmental contexts in different regions of Africa.

For this reason, our project seeks to ensure long-term climate impacts by providing immediate benefits such as health improvement, economic growth, and the creation of jobs, drawing inspiration from the ongoing water-energy-food nexus action. Thus, it not only solves current problems but also paves the way for sustainable development for future generations. We should note that such actions are crucial when it comes to Horizon Europe missions because they promote global partnerships and spur innovative activities that leave a mark on society as well as nature over time.

From Farm to Fork: Creating Synergy in the Food Chain

Argentum has followed the EU Green Deal’s “From farm to fork” initiative by proposing a project that is aimed at ever-recovering and upscaling resources in the food chain forever. Launched by an esteemed Belgian academic organization and conceived by an Israeli small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), this project seeks to demonstrate how entirely new agri-food systems can be formed through the principles of the circular economy of farm-to-table and back again.

We propose the use of the latest technologies available today, cleaving transnational boundaries between scientists, agricultural "gurus,” and society so that everyone works together towards integrated food production. Our goal is to realize an extreme reduction in pesticide application throughout Europe by farmers and policymakers through the creation of biocontrol goods as well as internet-enabled devices. Besides, what are novel recovery technologies? They aim at nutrient recycling within food systems, giving birth to a new generation of organic fertilizers together with ground-breaking substrates meant for advanced sensory experiences associated with eating. Argentum’s contributions to the Horizon Europe budget demonstrate commitment to long-term investments to foster the green revolution and eradicate hunger.

Energy & Resource Efficient Building & Renovating: Towards a Climate-Neutral Future

Our last proposal is about “Energy and resource-efficient building and renovations," which is focused on creating a modular retrofitting platform adaptable to the natural environment. Coordinated by Argentum, this proposal anticipates different climates, seasons, and geographies as a way of reducing global energy consumption and helping the EU achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Our project aligns with Horizon Europe’s call for innovation in a sustainable way that addresses the changes needed in the domain of building and renovation, thus making it possible to improve not only energy efficiency but also ecological compatibility. This initiative shows how much we believe in using Horizon Europe’s missions to drive transformational changes within industries vital for the future of our planet.

The power of collaboration in Horizon Europe

Submitting these proposals as part of consortia is invaluable. Collaborating and cooperating have been worth their weight in gold among various partners. Participants have said that meeting with new partners and learning about new developments in their domains has opened up networks for growth and broadened their expertise base.

Argentum has had a rich experience as the main consolidators, architects, and organizers of such projects. We’ve been able to come up with some very innovative project ideas, drawing heavily from our relationships with cutting-edge technologies and other specialized fields pertinent to our partners. This process has not only stimulated us intellectually but also reaffirmed our belief in a more innovative Europe poised to become the global hub for sustainable innovation.

Brighton is one of the future-looking firms that is committed to making partnerships that initiate the unthinkable at any time. We look forward to collaborating with our consortium partners in these projects and also want to search for more opportunities to cooperate in European Horizon initiatives. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the partners who devoted their time, energy, and seriousness throughout this procedure while waiting to announce astonishing progress soon.


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